In Search of Love (and Destiny)
At the tender age of 24, and sporting a pristine rucksack, with the hope of meeting his then-girlfriend, and future wife, the author embarked on a maiden solo voyage to the other side of the world. It was very much a journey made in hope and expectation, and one which was a life-changing experience. Furthermore, it was also one which on several occasions, very nearly didn’t happen at all! It is hoped that you enjoy the story and can empathise with and relate to the agonising frustrations, crude wit and ultimately remarkable voyage. It is also a collection of thoughts and reflections upon some unforgettable escapades whilst in Bangkok, the “City of Angels”, a few lusty summers hence.
“In Search of Love (and Destiny)” is a frank and honest account of what was going on in the fragile mind of this earnest traveller. Following a narrative, non-fiction, autobiographical style, his account documents an eye-opening trip to Thailand, on an open three-month ticket. Little did this author know, at that time, that he would end up back in England within eleven days!
Following on from his first publication, entitled “The Fox and the Scorpion meet Cold Turkey”, and his online poetry page entitled “Carl’s Corner”, Mancunian writer Carl J. Ashley has reformatted and reworked this second book, which was first written almost twenty years ago.